guestbook idea


okay so hear me out.

i'm building this site absolutely statically. like literally just html, css, and a small amt of js.

so ofc i'm struggling with thinking of a way to build a guestbook.

i'm not going to build an auth for myself to login and moderate submissions, but i still need to read submissions before showing them on my home page.

so what do i do?


so if ur familiar with backend technologies, u'll know that firebase is a nosql database that's easy to use.

what we can do is take the form submissions from the guestbook (while making sure to take measures for bots), then send them to the real-time db or firestore on firebase.

now we need to approve the submissions


i'm thinking we can use a telebot to do this

i've not built a proper telebot before, but imagine how convenient it is when a submission comes and you can just approve it from your phone's telegram app

i'm thinking our website will receive the response from our post request to firebase

and then we can shoot off an api to the telebot which has to be hosted on a server like

the telebot will then send a message to the telegram chat where i can approve the submission

it should send out an api request to firebase to flip a boolean in the entry

then when the guestbook is being loaded it should do a get request from firebase for all entries that includes that boolean, and display the submission

what do u think?

i'm also hoping this adds to my list of projects. speaking of -
i shld add a route for my less professional projects

fingers crossed this works!