good start to the year
i spent it with my gf and it was a joy to watch her joy as the fireworks went off (we watched the live televised show on channel 5)
it was generally uneventful as far as new year eves go, but i love it that way
progress on stuff
apparel side hustle
not really much to say, but yea i've gotten in touch w a supplier to manufacture the shirts i want to sell.
the only worry is that making the money back is pretty far fetched. for every 10 shirts i need to sell about 7 to make my money back
it's pretty difficult i guess.
i've already received the modding material and i've put them together
it was hell, the new shell has misalignment issues, sizing issues, and if you don't have any plastic cutters or precision screw set it'll be an efort in vain
my savings
it's coming together, it's still not as much as i used to have but it's a good amount that i'm happy with
i'm still far from my goals, maybe around 10% of the way through
fingers crossed the shirts thing will help push it further along ! <3
new year resolutions? nah new year regrets
i reviewed my actions constantly throughout the last year
i guess a lot of these regrets aren't TRUE regrets
they're more like "things i cldve done better"
software engineering
i kinda wish i was smart enough to understand that the market isn't as it was in 2020 and just because i can set up a nice DB and front end, doesn't mean that i'll get a job
if i understood that, i'd probably not drop real estate.
alas, i was too zealous to be a software engineer.
but i'm happy that i now know how to build softwares/programs
quitting gym
this one is simple. i wish i didn't quit the gym
cleaned my pc
i think i was screwed over for a technical interview because my pc kept crashing LOL
i just cleaned it and it never broke down again
oh well
what's coming
i guess if you've been reading the blog ig you'd know what's coming up
but let's go into the year with hope, ambition, and excitement.