i bought the ring
i got my girl to pick out the ring she wants
it looks amazing, i'll show it on this blog after the proposal event
i was really hoping to purchase it myself and surprising her with it
but the thing is, she's super particular about what she wears and what she expects and i don't want her to wear something she isn't into for the rest of her life
yes, i expect her to be my wife forever >:(
honestly we've been together for close to 5 years, we've lived together for a while in the past and we're basically almost a married couple
idk if this is a poem but this is how i feel
your smile is a field of sunflowers at the break of dawn
your eyes soft and gentle
like the golden rays kissing my skin
i can bask in the warmth
of your joy for all time
if i can frame it
i'd hang it
on the darkest corners of my soul